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Who are The EduGuardians?

You may have heard some of the hype on X (Twitter), seen the trading cards being swapped at the ISTE Conference, or listened to fellow educators talk about how they are an EduGuardian. But what does this mean?

The EduGuardians are a PLF(Personal Learning Family) that started growing from an AI prompt that was superhero-themed. We shared our newly created superhero avatars on X and then others wanted to know how we made them and shared theirs too. Yes, it started as a fun way to use AI and connect with others, but it has grown to be so much more. We are a community of passionate educators who share our knowledge and celebrate each other’s successes. We like to say “There’s an EduGuardian for that” because our community members are from all around the world and have so many unique specialties. 

What is the EduGuardian’s mission statement?

“Unite to Ignite Learning” is our slogan, but it really is the beginning of our mission statement as well. We want to collaborate and share with each other to make education the best it can be. We want to reimagine what is possible. We want our students to get excited about learning. We want to add creativity to every lesson. We want students to use their curiosity, imagination, and intuition to make this world a better place. Honoring and enhancing our students' voices is a part of this mission. We are here for them!

Why is this the perfect time for a group like The Eduguardians?

Let’s face it, education can get monotonous and uninspiring when we focus so heavily on standardized testing. “Unpacking the standards” has become a draining process that can extinguish a flame of excitement and curiosity. We are focused on future-thinking possibilities of education. We are the risk-takers and question the old school ways of learning and teaching. We will try new technology, pedagogy, and practices. We will make mistakes and learn and grow and continue the cycle for our students. We will be examples of life-long learners. We will learn from this global community of passionate educators who want to see a change.

Do Not Be Fooled

The Eduguardians are full of fun, energy, and all sorts of “extra” (as we like to call it). But do not be fooled that we are just a silly and loud group. Even though we love our fun, we take our jobs very seriously. Educating our youth is not to be taken lightly, and we feel the weight that we carry on our shoulders each year. Look at any EduGuardian’s social media profile and they are posting about their passion for education….even during the summer months! Education is a part of who we are and we constantly want to raise the bar for our students.

Should You Join?

If the information above resonated with you, then please sign up to join this incredible and inclusive community. You do not have to be a teacher to join. If you are involved in any capacity of education and you are passionate about change for the future then you are welcome. Just go to to sign up.

-Larisa Black

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